2) Conference papers [1] H. Aiso, Y. Takefuji, M. Ikeda, and T. Nakagawa, "A proposal of fault-tolerant logic," Proc. of annual convention, IECEJ, 1980. (in Japanese) [2] Y. Takefuji and M. Ikeda, "A proposal of fault-tolerant gates," Proc. of 20th annual convention, IPSJ, 1980. (in Japanese) [3] Y. Adachi, Y. Takefuji, and H. Aiso, "A study of VLSI yield improvement employing fault-tolerant gates," Proc. of 23th annual convention, IPSJ, 1981. (in Japanese) [4] Y. Takefuji, T. Kurokawa, and H. Aiso, "A new conversion scheme of multiresidue codes in GF(2) polynomial ring; TAK," Southeastern Conference on Combinatorics, Graph theory, and Computing, 1983. [5] Y. Akiyama, Y. Takefuji, and H. Aiso, "The Gaussian Machine: a proposal of stochastic and continuous neuron model," Proc. of 36th annual convention, IPSJ, 1988. (in Japanese) [6] T. Kurokawa, and Y. Takefuji, "BIBD neural networks," Proc. of annual convention, IECEJ, 1991. (in Japanese) [7] Y. Takefuji, K. Tsujino, M. Ibuki, and H. Aiso, "A novel approach to parallel processing cryptosystem," Proc. of International Conference on Parallel Processing, pp.313-315, Aug. 1982. [8] Y. Takefuji, Y. Adachi, and H. Aiso, "A novel approach to fault-tolerant logic and Yield enhancement," Proc. of COMPCON Fall '82, pp.56-64, Sep. 1982. [9] Y. Takefuji, Y. Adachi, and H. Aiso, "A novel approach to fault-tolerant sequential circuits," Proc. of International Conference on Circuits and Computers, pp.206-209, Sep. 1982. [10] Y. Takefuji, T. Kurokawa, and H. Aiso, "Fast matrix solver in GF(2)," Proc. of the 6th Symposium on Computer Arithmetic, June 1983. [11] Y. Takefuji, T. kurokawa, M. Ishizaki, and H. Aiso, "New matrix equation solvers in GF(2) employing Cramer with Chio method," Proc. of International Conference on Parallel Processing, Aug. 1983. [12] Y. Takefuji and D. Brunson, "VLSI spanning tree generators," Proc. of CompCON fall, Sep. 1984. [13] Y. Takefuji, "AI based General Purpose Cross Assembler," Proc. of IEEE Softfair-II, A Second Conference on Software Development Tools, Techniques, and Alternatives, Dec. 1985. [14] Y. Takefuji and I. Hewitt, "VLSI Eulerian Circuit Generators," Proc. of the 18th Southeastern Symposium on System theory, Apr. 1986. [15] I. Hewitt and Y. Takefuji, "General Purpose Cross Assembly System using a Rule-Based Architecture," Siam 1986 National Meeting. [16] M. Dowell and Y. Takefuji, "Knowledge-Based Lisp Dialect Translator using Paramodulation," Proc. of Workshop on Future Directions in Computer Architecture and Software, May 1986. [17] Y. Takefuji, "Knowledge-based Microprocessor System Development Tool: GOLD," Proc. of the second conference on Knowledge-Based Software Development, Oct. 1986. [18] Y-P S. Foo, and Y. Takefuji, "Integer Linear Programming Neural Networks for Job-Shop Scheduling," Proc. of the International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN), July 1988. [19] Y. Takefuji, Y. Foo, Y. B. Cho, and P. Hollis, "Error Correcting system based on neural circuits," Proc. of the IEEE First International Conference on Neural Networks, June 1987. [20] Y. Foo and Y. Takefuji, "A Neural Network Scheme for 3-Dimensional Pattern Recognition and Construction," Proc. of the IEEE First International Conference on Neural Networks, June 1987. [21] D.-J. Lii and Y. Takefuji, "A New Model of Neural Networks for Error Correction," Proc. of IEEE/Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Ninth Annual Conference, Boston, Nov. 1987. [22] Yong B. Cho, and Y. Takefuji, "Analog Circuit Design based on Neural Networks," Proc. of the IEEE Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, March 1988. [23] Y. Takefuji and M. Dowell, "A Novel Approach to a Rule-Based General Purpose Program Translator Using Paramodulation: Case Study of A Franz-To-Common Lisp Translator," Knowledge-Based Systems, 1, 2, March 1988. [24] Y. Takefuji, Y. B. Cho, and R. J. Jannarone, "Multinomial Conjunctoid Statistical Learning Machines," Proc. of the 15th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Computer Architecture, June 1988. [25] Y. Takefuji, and H. Szu, "Design of Parallel Distributed Cauchy Machines," Proc. of International Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN), June 1989. [26] Y. Takefuji, "Parallel Distributed Gradient Descent and Ascent Methods," Proc. of IJCNN, June 1989. [27] Y-P S. Foo, and Y. Takefuji, "Stochastic Neural Networks for Solving Job-Shop Scheduling: Part 1 Problem Representation," Proc. of the ICNN, July 1988. [28] Y-P S. Foo, and Y. Takefuji, "Stochastic Neural Networks for Solving Job-Shop Scheduling: Part 2 Architecture and Simulations," Proc. of the ICNN, July 1988. [29] Y-P S. Foo, Y. Takefuji, and H. Szu, "Binary Neurons with Analog Communication Links for Solving Large-Scale Optimization Problems," Proc. of the International Neural Network Society Meeting (INNS), Sep. 1988. [30] R. J. Jannarone, K. F. Yu, and Y. Takefuji, "Conjunctoid Learning and Performance Algorithms," Proc. of the INNS, Sep. 1988. [31] Y. Takefuji, R. J. Jannarone, T. Chen, and Y. B. Cho, "Silicon Multinomial Conjunctoid Statistical Learning Modules," Proc. of the INNS, Sep. 1988. [32] Y. Akiyama, Y. Takefuji, Y. B. Cho, Y. Ajioka, and H. Aiso, " Conductance programmable neural chips employing switched resistors," Proc. of the 3rd Joint Technical Conf. on Circuits/Systems, Computers, and Communications, Nov. 1988. [33] S. Foo, Y. Takefuji, and T. J. Harrison, "Analog components for electric neural networks," Proc. of the 1st Florida annual microelectronics conference, May 1989. [34] Y. Takefuji, K. C. Lee, and T. Tanaka, "A two-step sorting algorithm," Proc. of IJCNN, June 1990. [35] T. Tanaka, Y. Takefuji, and K. C. Lee, "A string search neural network," Proc. of INNC 90 Paris, July 1990. [36] N. Funabiki, Y. Takefuji, and K. C. Lee, "A parallel algorithm for two-layer channel routing problems (Part1-rectangular channel routing problem)," Proc. of INNC 90 Paris, July 1990. [37] N. Funabiki, Y. Takefuji, and K. C. Lee, "A parallel algorithm for two-layer channel routing problems (Part2-circular channel routing problem)," Proc. of INNC 90 Paris, July 1990. [38] Y. Takefuji, "Neural network parallel computing for combinatorial optimization problems," Proc. of the international conf. on information technology (InfoJapan 90), Oct. 1990. [39] Y. Takefuji, "Successful Neural Network Computing for Intractable Optimization Problems," Proc. of the Aerospace applications of artificial intelligence conf. in Dayton OH, Oct. 1990. [40] K. C. Lee, Y. Takefuji, amd N. Funabiki, "A maximum neural network for the max cut problem," Proc. of IJCNN-91. [41] N. Funabiki, Y. Takefuji, and K. C. Lee, "A neural network model for traffic controls in multistage interconnection networks," Proc. of IJCNN91-Seattle, July 1991. [42] M. N. Dargiri, C. A. Papachristou, Y. Takefuji, "A parallel algorithm for scheduling problem based on Hopfield model for the automated synthesis of digital systems," Proc. of IJCNN-Seattle, July 1991. [43] C. W. Lin, K. C. Lee, J. C. LaManna, Y. Takefuji, "Quantitative measurement of two-component pH sensitive spectrum using multilayer semilinear neural networks," Proc. of IEEE/Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference, 1991. [44] N. Funabiki, Y. Takefuji, K. C. Lee, Y. B. Cho, T. Kurokawa, and H. Aiso, "A neural network approach to broadcasting in multihop packet radio networks," Proc. of IJCNN'91-Singapore, Oct. 1991. [45] Y. B. Cho, K. C. Lee, Y. Takefuji, and N. Funabiki, "Analog maximum neural network circuits using the switched capacitor technique," Proc. of IJCNN'91-Singapore, Oct. 1991. [46] K. C. Lee, N. Funabiki, Y. B. Cho, and Y. Takefuji, "Parallel neural network computing for the maximum clique problem," Proc. of IJCNN'91-Singapore, Oct. 1991. [47] Y. Takefuji, Y.H. Pao, and K. Tsuchiya, "Neural computing for crossbar switch scheduling problems," Proc. of International conference on communication technology, Sept. 1992. [48] K. Suzuki, H. Amano, and Y. Takefuji, "Neural Computing on a parallel machine for channel routing problems," Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Automation, Robitics, and Computer Vision, Sept. 1992. [49] K. Tsuchiya, and Y. Takefuji, "A neural network parallel algorithm for Ramsey numbers," Prof. of the RNNS/IEEE symposium on neuroinformatics and neurocomputers," Oct. 1992. [50] Y. Takefuji, and K. Tsuchiya, "Neural and backtracking algorithms for N-queen problems," Prof. of 29th annual technical meeting of Society of Engineering Science, 1992. [51] M. Nourani, C. Papachristou, and Y. Takefuji, "A neural network based algorithm for the scheduling problem in high-level synthesis," Prof. of European Design Automation Conf., 341-346, 1992. [52] Y. Takefuji, and K. Tsuchiya, "Neural and backtracking algorithms for N-queen problems," WCNN '93. [53] S. Bharitkar, K. Tsuchiya, and Y. Takefuji, "A neural network parallel algorithm for facility layout problems," WCNN '93. [54] K. Tsuchiya and Y. Takefuji, "A near-optimum parallel algorithm for one-dimensional gate assignment problem," Proc. of IJCNN'93. [55] Y. Takefuji, "Neural computing for optimization and combinatorics," Proc. of the 1993 Fall National Conf. of ORSJ. [56] Cho, Y. B.; Kurokawa, T.; Takefuji, Y.; Kim, H. S., An O(1) Approximate Parallel Algorithm for the n-task-n-person Assignment Problem, Proc. of Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks, 1993 [57] Yip, P. P. C.; Takefuji, Y, Constrained Optimization with Use of Two-Dimensional Maximum Neurons, 4667-467, Proc. of World congress on computational intelligence, 1994 [58] Y. Takefuji, "Neural computing for optimization and combinatorics: how to survey in the internet," Proc. of 30th symposium of ORSJ in 1994. [59] Fujisawa, K.; Takefuji, Y., "A balloon net discovering improved solutions in one of unsolved problems in geometry: a problem of spreading points in a unit square," Proc. of IEEE Int. conf. on Neural Networks, 1995. [60] Saito, T.; Takefuji, Y., "Neural computing approach to Japanese electoral system," Proc. of IEEE Int. conf. on Neural Networks, 1995. [63] Tsuchiya, K.; Takefuji, Y.; Kurotani, K.; Wakahara, K., "A neural network parallel algorithm for meeting schedule problems, Proc. of IEEE TENCON Digital Signal Processing Applications, 1996. [64] Oshima, N.; Ogawa, T.; Takefuji, Y., "Airport allocation problems in Mongolia using neural networks," Proceedings of the Eighth Australian Conference on Neural Networks (ACNN'97), 1997. [65] Aoba, M.; Takefuji, Y., "Improved neural algorithms for knight's tour problems," Proceedings of the Eighth Australian Conference on Neural Networks (ACNN'97), 1997. [66] Iba, T.; Takenaka, H.; Takefuji, Y., "Agent-based artificial market model-the case study of de facto standard on VCR market," Proceedings International Conference on Multi Agent Systems, 1998.